Let's not forget that the "Luther Card" gets played whenever someone sees they are on the losing end of an argument. Also, most of the supposed Luther quotes are almost to a one are taken out of context, misquoted or fabricated. The book called "Luther's Table Talks" was something put together AFTER he died from things
others say they remembered from sitting around the hearth chatting with the man. If people really want to know what this great man of the faith really believed and said, they would take the time to actually read his works - there is a lot - rather than snippet hunt to have pretend ammunition to toss out at any "Protestant" who refuses to bend the knee to their Pope. Here is a very good start that is online:
Obscure Luther Quotes I'm not a Lutheran, but it gets tiring to constantly call people on their dishonest playing of the Luther Card. We should be aware when they do it and have a proper response. Though we do not follow men, nor do we believe ANY man is infallible or sinless - but the God/man Jesus Christ - we shouldn't allow the reckless smearing of a man born 500 or so years ago who bravely stood up for the truth of the Gospel.