Nope. They've already hardened their hearts and consequently have been given over to a reprobate mind.
Before long such folks will be making sure they're no longer identified as Catholics because claiming to be Catholic will no longer be acceptable to the fascist nobility.
Nope. They've already hardened their hearts and consequently have been given over to a reprobate mind.
Before long such folks will be making sure they're no longer identified as Catholics because claiming to be Catholic will no longer be acceptable to the fascist nobility.
The aging liberals in my parish have not spoken to me since the election (heh heh heh). Possibly because of my outspoken intentions at Mass the last two weekends, which also involved the high praise of Bishop Jenky (of Peoria) and the letter that he made his priests read the Sunday before the election.
The aging hippies and social justice Marxists are dying off or leaving.
Before long such folks will be making sure they're no longer identified as Catholics because claiming to be Catholic will no longer be acceptable to the fascist nobility.
I'm having such fun with the 60s crowd. I teach fifth grade religious education as well as supplement intermediate grade religious education. I engage in rough and tumble theology. I will make a point or read a Scripture passage and point to one of them them and say "go". They are expected to comment or enlarge upon or give their opinion on that point. And why.
After about three classes, there are no shy kids. Exactly all of them give as good as they get.
I will do my best to educate Catholics in the Faith that was handed down to us from Christ. I will blow raspberries at the liberals who have damn near destroyed the American Catholic Church. Screw you, you profaners of the Faith.
God will not be mocked; nor will He be thwarted. Not in the long run anyway...