Even though the Apostle Paul praised the "noble" Bereans for searching the Scriptures to verify if what they were being taught was true, it seems some Catholics here see such diligence as "stupid" or even sinful, but I believe we know about the Bereans for a reason. God said, "Come and let us reason together." not, "Turn off your brain and swallow whatever you're told."
I know that you have put a lot of study and thought into your work. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate it.
Thank God for your appreciation and encouragement.
Actually, while infallible decreeing she is infallible is not Scriptural, nor is needed for writings to be established as Scripture and truth to be preserved (as that was a reality before there was a church in Rome), she does not say that she needs no Scriptural basis for her teachings, only that they cannot contradict Scripture.
But which is according to her interpretation, and thus the real basis for assurance that Rome is the OTC (etc.) is that Rome said so herself.
As for the Bereans, they did treat Scripture as the supreme authority by which truth claims were tested, while as far as a Scriptural basis is concerned, Rome is left seeking seeking to extrapolate support for her claim to supremacy (over Scripture and all on earth) out of the church being the pillar and ground of the truth and other texts which do not teach that.
But as far as “Turn off your brain and swallow whatever you’re told,” those days when RCs were exhorted to implicitly submit to Rome extensively are overall gone, though they typically trust in her presumed power for salvation, but Rome treats the most nominal as members in life and in death, and in any case most of what RCs believe and practice is open to some interpretation, including which and how many things are not open to interpretation.
The Church condemns no one and obedience is nothing more than to freely act in faith.