Teachers are just regular people, there are millions and millions of people working as teachers, including every kind of regular Joe, from atheist to Muslim, to homosexual, to lesbian, to Scientologist, to Catholic, to Buddhist, to Druid, to Witch, to Satan worshiper, to the merely indifferent, it is a common, secular job.
Priests are the handpicked, spiritual leaders of ONLY the Catholic denomination, and number about 39,000, close to a million teachers probably call them “father”, and confess their sins to them to varying degrees and frequency.
Your efforts to justify something that should not be defended are just strange and unrelated to the topic.
I am not defending the deeds, but hand=picked? Catholic priests in this country have never been part of the social elite, the way that Episcopal priests once were. More often than not, they were kids from large, devout working class, middle-class families. Not terribly different from the kind of kid who went to the service academies. Not very different from the kids who went to a Southern Baptist seminary. By 1970, they were probably less well-educated than their parishioners. Which is one reason why Catholic families stopped sending their kids oft to seminary. Before, it was like a Jewish merchant sending off his kid to be a doctor. Now, not so much. Which is how the Church got into this fix, maybe. After Vatican II, lots of good kids dropped out of seminary. These started taking in the culls as well as the good kids. You have heard of the HollowMilitary of the ;70s? We have been living with the hollow priesthood of Post Vatican II.