Most of us have no idea about anything to do with that particular school district, it doesn't live under a Pope, and teachers, janitors, construction workers, are just run of the mill people who look to religious leaders (or not), they don't expect to match them in living a sinless life, they are not handpicked, trained, appointed, religious leaders in a single Christian denomination.
Nobody even asks what religion child molesters are because it isn't relevant, but if the leaders of a particular national church are identified as having a serious problem, then public awareness will make their flock aware of the perversion, and that in turn can lead to forcing their leaders to end the corruption.
The individual schools districts is not in fact so disconnected with others as you suppose. The days are long gone when the school board members actually set policy for the schools. Today we have a national public school establishment which which spend more than the US Military collectively, and whose values and ideas dominate the thinking of school board members, administrators and teachers ever bit as much as Catholic teachings dominate the Church. No Child Left Behind was an effort to standardize public education in the United States. Right now the Secretary of Education is working to create a uniform curriculum for the whole country. One reason why the school are irreformable is that no one wants to admit the insanity of expecting a child in Maine to obtain the very same education as a child in Southern California. The great goal of public education is conforming national thinking to ideals of that Establishment.