so you would prefer the godless communist who is currently there? How is that better for leading the nation on peril times? Wishful thinking does us NO good. There are facts on the ground. One fact Obama is currently the president. Fact two O is running for reelection. Fact three the GOP is running Mitt romney. Now none of these things make me happy. In fact they really turn my stomach. But there is a fourth fact that each must consider.....Fact four one of these two men will be president come January 2013
It would be immoral for me before God to vote for someone who supports what his proven track record clearly shows he supports.
Not to mention hypocritical to vote against the principles by which I live my life.
Not to mention cowardly to not stand my ground. Conservatism can only compromise so far before it is no longer conservatism but the very evil which we are suppose to oppose.
The conservative movement is being rendered irrelevant or worse by those of us who say they stand for something but then do not stand.
If I tell my kids I'm going to punish them but I fail to follow thru they know I am a wimp and they are free to ignore me and do what they want.
They will go the way of the world as does the GOP.
When the band aid needs to come off it is better to rip it off quickly and get it over with.
Delaying the inevitable is more painful.