Gosh, wrong about the Catholic vote and Obama, wrong about my posting history (even of the last 24 hours), and wrong about Catholics being counted as part of the Evangelical vote.
2008 was a normal vote for Catholics.
As usual, Protestants were far more concerned with rationalizing their comforts and favorite diversions than with anything even vaguely related to what they claim to believe. As usual, when they realize they've elected a magnificent piece of work like LBJ, Jimmy Carter or King Barry, they revert instantly to what their religion is built around. They immediately begin revising history, reinterpreting Scripture to suit whatever illusion makes them most comfortable, and pointing fingers at others rather than daring to quarrel with the nest of vipers they so enjoy spending time with.
For some reason, though, Protestant folks can't seem to learn simple math. Things like one plus one equals two, or that twenty percent of the population isn't the majority. I guess it's tough to run with a crowd that ignores their own murder of infants and still try to disguise the fact that such behavior isn't Christian by any stretch of the imagination. Still, you'd think people who want to hide in whatever lies they can massage out of statistics would at least not stumble over simple math like 20 < 80.?
have a nice day
Come on, the scam Protestants try to run all the time is so transparent it's not even funny any more. First, the calculate the number of Catholics who do something either in gross numbers or as a percentage of the population. Then they exclude from the ranks of Protestantism enough of their fellow Protestants to allow them to gin up some bogus numbers to support whatever they feel like spewing.
Bottom line, the overwhelming majority of those slain by abortion have been slain by Protestants, far more than 80%. When the facts are figured out it's going to be obvious that the guy in Germany who figures that two infants die from contraception for each abortion we know about will probably be underestimating the real numbers.
Protestants who engage in mass murder for the sake of their sex lives are desperate to pretend someone else is worse than they are. As has been the case throughout the history of this country, when they get desperate enough and their own culpability becomes impossible to hide, they turn loudly anti-Catholic, sometimes violently so.
The bottom line is this is a Protestant country. Always has been and still is, and it's Protestants who call the shots. King Barry is President, he couldn't have become President without the majority of those who call themselves non-Catholic Christians voting for him. What 54% of 20% of the population does isn't the deciding factor, never has been, and never will be. No way any of the funny little blather is going to change that fact.
People who murder their own children in order to have a better sex life are not Christian. Period. They may well be under a powerful delusion and given the number of "Protestant Christians" I know with tramp stamps I don't doubt a great many of them are. That doesn't change the FACT that unless they repent and change their ways they're destined to hear, "I never knew you".
I understand, though, Protestantism and Evangelicalism are little more than guilt reduction therapy sessions for people who are functionally identical to atheists.
That's exactly why Protestants voted for King Barry in 2008, because they're functionally identical to atheists and only take issue with King Barry when he messes with their money. Murdering millions of infants is just fine, but taxation and screwing with prosperity isn't tolerable for such fine Christian folks. There are Catholics who think the same way, sure, especially those who have decided it's easier to abandon the Church and become just another "speaker of the magic words" than to believe what Christ Himself said. Besides, Luther and their pastor promised them that everything they ever do is already forgiven once they say the magic words, so hey, sex, drugs, rock n' roll, the murder of infants, cheating and stealing, all macht nichts. It makes no difference.
So, take up your magic words and follow Luther into the heresy of Core. Taking up your cross and following Christ is, after all, so nineteenth century.
have a nice day