Logic makes me agnostic.
Does logic tell you why Christ’s tomb was empty?
Logic makes me agnostic.
No, logic doesn't make you an agnostic. Your experiences on this mortal coil, and how you interpret them, along with your emotions make you think you are agnostic.
Trust me on this fact: you have an appointment with the creator of both you and this universe. That creator gave you some clues on how to act before that meeting. His Son, and the Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) are where you find the clues. Try and "look" your best for the interview.
I wish you well.
It's all in your head.(the logic).
On another note, mostly because you are being attacked by those who haven't even bothered to look up the definition of agnostic (nor even ask you what you mean by it), logic is the basis for agnosticism.
It is not that they don't believe in GOD, it's that they don't think any one religion has the answer, based on the fact that they all pretty much have different answers. Also, agnostics believe that GOD and the Universe are way beyond our comprehension at this time.
They are right.
The Christianity (for example) we have today is nothing like the Christianity we will have in 200 years, and even though it may be closer to the 'truth', it will not be the absolute truth.
GOD and the UNIVERSE are far greater than we 'can' imagine.