That may be a favorite Catholic delusion but (see here for a more extended response) the reality is that under the Roman model of sola ecclesia, formal divisions and schisms are also apparent. Her interpretation of Tradition, history and Scripture has significant differences with other Catholic groups and churches and others who operate under her sola ecclesia model, which also claim to be the one true church based upon their interpretation.
And while certain core truths require assent of faith, Rome allows varying degrees of interpretation according to her "hierarchy of truths," and the "sense which holy mother church held and holds" can see different interpretations. For just as Protestants cannot claim infallibility in interpreting their supreme authority (Scripture), neither can RCs in interpreting theirs (the magisterium), and interpretation is required, even in determining which of the potentially hundreds of infallible pronouncements really are so (so that they may provide the necessary assent of faith), as well as to varying degrees the meaning of these and the multiplicity of non-infallible teachings.
And disagreement is allowed to some extent (open to interpretation) as regards the latter category, once one has determined which of the different levels a magisterial teaching, or parts thereof, fall under.
Meanwhile, under the SS model even without one centralized formal magisterium, rather than doctrinal anarchy, historically they also have overall manifested assent to core truths, and a common front against those who deny them, as well as "traditions of men."
And because of their submission to Scripture, they recognize the authority of their respective magisterium, but as in Scripture, this is always conditional. The church itself began in dissent from those who sat in the seat of Moses. (Mt. 23:2; Mk. 8:31; 11:28-33)
And due to a Scripturally based regeneration and relationship with Christ, evangelicals also manifest the unity of the Spirit across denominational lines in many ways, and yet (in this late hour) testify to greater unity overall in many important moral views and teachings in comparison to their Catholic counterparts.
Under SS, rather than assurance of truth resting upon self-proclaimed assured infallibility, truth is established upon the weight of Scriptural warrant. While this allows challenges, evil is overcome by good (not the sword of men or forgeries which Rome too much relied upon), by evidencing conflation with the supernaturally established Scriptures in text and in power, and which requires the church to not simply claim to be that of the Living God, but to manifest it. Which i need to do much better.
I looked at your link and the list things claimed Catholic don't have to agree upon. Those who recognize the Pope as Holy See are to follow dogmatic teaching if they are aware of what they are.There are only a few issues that need to be worked out with our Eastern Orthodox brethren( which both sides can give a little), but we are closer that ever because the love the EO's have for Pope Benedict XVI
Those who knowingly don't believe Church dogma have excommunicated themselves "latae sententiae"
Pelosi, Coumo in NY, and others fall into this category
Knowing this is important to those who do know what the Church teaches and it becomes a sin to those who do not try and correct those walking in error
The phrase latae sententiae means a judgment or sentence which is 'wide' (latae) or widely applied; it refers to a type of excommunication which is automatic. Such a sentence of excommunication is incurred by the very commission of the offense, (CCC 2272) and does not require the future particular judgment of a case by competent authority.
Apostasy, heresy, and schism are all offenses which incur a sentence of excommunication automatically. Heresy is the obstinate denial of ANY truth of the Catholic faith, on a matter of faith or morals, which has been definitively taught by the Magisterium.
Canon 751: Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith
FWIW,dear friend,It's easy to spot cunning and manipulative people because they have to write extremely long posts and post many links to try and explain themselves.It's not impressive or intellectually and spiritually sound either!
That said, mainstream protestantism has a good amount in common with Catholicism because it's impossible to remain a Christian and dismiss Catholic teaching which was borrowed from Catholic Theology in mainstream protestantism.
I wish you a blessed evening!