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To: Aliska
We saw what was claimed to be Mary Magdelene’s toe in a church in central France. Fabulous church but I couldn't even swear it was a toe. How do they think this is John the Baptist knuckle and not someone else?
29 posted on 06/17/2012 5:18:19 AM PDT by Ditter
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To: Ditter; All
They think it is only a possibility and that because they apparently were not in as I thought but outside a box with an engraving on it.

I too well know how relic claims came to be what they were and almost always dissed them. There was money in it. It's too bad because 1000 fakes doesn't mean 1 might not be genuine if there were some way of proving it. We just don't know.

So I wonder who got to the box first and if the island is inhabited. If the bones were lying nearby outside a box, could have been robbers and perhaps took something of more value. But the box itself could be of value or a fake like it was determined some of those ossuaries found some time back were. There wasn't enough information to know.

That's a good idea to compare the dna to other claims although I won't get too excited about it just like those little metal books appear from a Jordan cave and now I haven't heard anything about them for some time.

In this age especially, we have to guard against deceptions though.

33 posted on 06/17/2012 11:35:36 AM PDT by Aliska
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