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Most Christians Have No Idea What Mormons Believe [LDS truth claims oft' tucked away by Mormons]
Christian Newswire ^
| June 7, 2012
Posted on 06/10/2012 9:38:54 AM PDT by Colofornian
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To: MHGinTN; Elsie
It is a good idea to put the date of a JofD quote when quoting the LDS inc archives. That way the modern mormonism is more in focus. I doubt seriously that every eighteen year old who is inducted into the LDS inc 'melchizedek high priesthood' has even a clue what that Preisthood means, Biblically, or that even having such a priesthood in LDS inc is blasphemous because of Whom IS the ONLY Great High Priest int he order of Melchizedek because He is alive forever more.
Modern MormonISM is hallmarked by clueless adherents, else when we expose the actual teachings of the ealier leadership the clueless adherents probably would not become so enraged at us for exposing the truth about the cult's origins.
Sometimes God uses those "losing control and getting angry" moments for our good. Sometimes it is the only way he can get us to wake up and pay attention. I know that has happened in my life in the past and several other people I know.
Furthermore, unless the Mormon church had publicaly and vocally refuted these positions, why bother?
They are still the history of the Mormon church or the positions of the Mormon church.
posted on
06/11/2012 8:44:59 AM PDT
(Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency.)
To: Elsie
Sorry you’re so wound up. Maybe you should spend some time away fr your computer.
I asked a question. If you don’t want to answer, just say so.
posted on
06/11/2012 8:52:34 AM PDT
(Paratroopers! Good to the last drop!)
To: SoConPubbie
Let's say SLC lds repudiates their past, publicly acknowledge who they were. TODAY they still salvation is earned by works not a gift of Grace. They still teach that their jesus is created not eternal. They still teach their god was once a man and that will become gods themselves.
One could just focus on today's mormonism, and know it is blasphemy.
Today's mormonism needs as much exposure as yesterday's.
posted on
06/11/2012 8:55:04 AM PDT
(If one living cell on another planet is life, why isn't it life in the womb?)
To: airborne
Thanks for the unasked for diagnosis.
Do you need my Medicade #?
posted on
06/11/2012 9:13:57 AM PDT
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
To: svcw
Let's say SLC lds repudiates their past, publicly acknowledge who they were.They CAN'T!
To do so would be to repudiate a MORMON leader, and they've been indoctrinated that to do that would bring the Spirit of APOSTACY upon themselves.
posted on
06/11/2012 9:16:21 AM PDT
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
To: Elsie
Yep, bottom line there is no distinction between old mormonism and current mormonism,
posted on
06/11/2012 9:34:11 AM PDT
(If one living cell on another planet is life, why isn't it life in the womb?)
To: Elsie
They cannot 'openly', but just as cinos tend to ignore what they don't want to endorse from The Pope, individual Mormons probably ignore what seems irrelevent or an impediment to them in what they want to do. As a Christian, I communicate with the Lord all day long. That's why it's good to memorize scripture passages, so you can listen to God when you ask a question of Him during your day. It's also healthy, spiritually, to review your day before dropping off to sleep, and open your self up to His working on you even in your sleep.
I wonder if LDSinc adherents communicate with Joe Smith all day long? Do 'modern mormonism' adherents memorize passages from the book of mormon (the BM) so they can listen to their 'merely a man promoted to godhood by a council of gods' during their day? I wonder? Even more strange would be to memorize passages from the Pearl of Great Price to use for 'listening to the god of MormonISM'. Can you imagine?
posted on
06/11/2012 9:38:39 AM PDT
(Being deceived can be cured.)
To: Elsie
Thanks for the unasked for diagnosis.Just havin' fun speklatin'!
Do you need my Medicade #?
Nah, you probably shouldn't be posting stuff like that sweetie.
But hey, I hope you feel better soon! Maybe switch to decaf?
posted on
06/11/2012 9:39:24 AM PDT
(Paratroopers! Good to the last drop!)
To: Elsie
How about being STUPID?
If you mean in terms of religious beliefs, sure. So long as I get to determine whose beliefs are stupid.
posted on
06/11/2012 9:43:00 AM PDT
(Deus non alligatur sacramentis sed nos alligamur.)
To: Elsie
I am sure you are aware that it comes up on all active articles, as the propagandists knew when they posted it. Hijacked my foot.
YOU must disprove what I said about Muslims. Can you name any Muslims among the founding fathers?
Can you name any Muslims who positively contributed to this country before the PC era which now allows them to come into this country, use taquia sp. and stealth Jihad to change us into their vision rather than the Judeo, Roman, Greek, Christian one of our founders?
And don’t give me the junk about the fathers being Deists etc. So what? They were still informed by our cultural history in their thought.
You can be PC, but I prefer to protect my heritage.
posted on
06/11/2012 9:43:16 AM PDT
To: Elsie
If the good Lord tolerates me that long, I’ll be 67 on the 29th of this month.
posted on
06/11/2012 9:59:44 AM PDT
(Obama versus Romney? Cyanide versus arsenic.)
If Romney is successful in ousting the commie running the federal thugocracy, we Inmans will have four years of near over exposure to reveal the blasphemies in MormonISM and perhaps persuade individuals caught up in that cult that they are being duped, just the way Milt will try to dupe the nation with his brand of liberalism.Do we really want to let the camel get its nose THAT far into the tent? Since many have suggested that Obama is a closet Muslim, why not leave him in office so we can educated about the evils of Islam?
If there are aspects about modern Mormonism which reveal it is treacherous to The Republic, then I could understand the linkages.
Have you ever worked in an organization where the top leadership is Mormon? If so, you'll understand the phrase Mormon Mafia. There is an excellent chance that Romney will take cronyism to levels that Obama never comtemplated. Having experienced it first-hand, it's not something we would want for our country.
posted on
06/11/2012 10:03:50 AM PDT
(Obama vs. Romney - clear evidence that our nation has been judged by God and found wanting.)
To: CommerceComet
"Since many have suggested that Obama is a closet Muslim, why not leave him in office so we can educated about the evils of Islam?"
If you want to discuss it, I'll be happy to exchange freepmails, but I'm not fond of using the religion forum as a political tool.
posted on
06/11/2012 10:12:15 AM PDT
(Being deceived can be cured.)
To: amihow
There were no mormons either at the founding of the country.
That, aside if you want to talk about islam why not start a thread about that very subject.
posted on
06/11/2012 11:22:04 AM PDT
(If one living cell on another planet is life, why isn't it life in the womb?)
To: reaganaut
Why dont you ask women who have escaped polygamy? Why don't you ask the women who have escaped their monogamous relationship?
To: CommerceComet
There is an excellent chance that Romney will take cronyism to levels that Obama never comtemplated. Having experienced it first-hand, it's not something we would want for our country.Correct. When 95% of mormons vote for Romney, there will be payback and I haven't spent the time researching Mitt's appointees in the campaign so far, I think there is a majority of mormons. Vandersloot and Leavitt come to mind.
How can Romney supporters claim that his candidacy not be discussed on the RF?
posted on
06/11/2012 11:54:39 AM PDT
(Until the 52K LDS missionaries claiming Christian faith is bogus quit, I will post LDS truth.)
To: 13foxtrot
I will take a mormon like Romney over a christian like Obama or Clinton any day. Mormons are the least of this countrys worries.You could try to say the same thing about any cult. And, since you've commented upon Mormonism as it relates to a potential presidency connection, consider this:
We could say that Scientologists "are the least of this country's worries." Or we could say the same thing about Wicca witches. Or Hare Krishnas. Etc.
Yet, if one of these sects put forth an adherent who became POTUS, then imagine a crisis scenario like one on one of the episodes of the TV program, "24."
Imagine a cultic POTUS praying to their personal god -- NOT THE God of the universe -- for wisdom, counsel, discernment, guidance, direction, and power to intervene.
Such a prayer to a low-level "god" or gods could be ignored by THE God -- because it wasn't directed to Him.
If we somehow think that much of what good or bad happens to a country doesn't have at its roots God's intervention -- or lack of it -- then we diss God's sovereign advocacy exercised on behalf of various countries.
Putting a cultist in the White House -- in this case a man who thinks he's a "god-in-embryo" on his way to full-grown godhood -- is the height of a humanism that has fully turned away from God, Himself.
It's also a step of idolatry -- elevating someone who is attempting to rival God as a god...also not a wise thing to provoking THE God.
posted on
06/11/2012 12:00:04 PM PDT
(Mom when I grow up, I want 2B like Ike. Mom when I grow up, I want 2B a god from Kolob like Mitt.)
To: greyfoxx39; CommerceComet
How can Romney supporters claim that his candidacy not be discussed on the RF?How?
Well, they have to keep their Christian "schizophrenia" kept apart: They want to criticize Mormonism in the religion forum but support Romney in the other forums!
posted on
06/11/2012 12:02:59 PM PDT
(Mom when I grow up, I want 2B like Ike. Mom when I grow up, I want 2B a god from Kolob like Mitt.)
To: svcw
There were not Mormons, but unlike the Muslims, there is not evidence that the Mormons want to substitute their Religion on our country as do the Muslims want to impose their religion and Sharia law on us.
I just don’t want the American people to get caught up in prejudices that will entrench the current administration in their socialist imposition of power on us.
posted on
06/11/2012 12:23:13 PM PDT
To: Elsie
Wow, 5 reples to me, one with pretty colors too.
Thanks for your input,
posted on
06/11/2012 12:25:46 PM PDT
Jean S
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