I particularly find interesting the one from John Jay that it is
the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation,
to select and prefer Christians for their rulers. He calls it a duty. If that is true and wise then it would exclude both Romney and Obama from consideration for my vote because Romney is a Mormon, not a Christian, and Obama is just a crypto communist, wearing a christian mask, or whatever mask happens to suit him at any given moment.
Of course this is not to mention, as Finny has pointed out, Romney "state-run health care, cap-and-trade global warming ecotyranny, forced acceptance of open homosexuality everywhere from kids' schools to the military, appointing activist liberal judges, and the most chillingly barbaric of all, making tax-subsidized abortion available on demand." Ditto from Obama. I trust either of them about as far as I can throw a Bösendorfer grand piano.
I trust either of them about as far as I can throw a Bösendorfer grand piano. Yep. That's a position based on good, solid, common sense. You 'n me both, Fellow FReeper.