Thank you for posting the truth.
There is so much bad theology out there.
The Jews are God’s chosen. We (Christians) are adopted sons (grafted into the tree).
Jesus was (and is) a Jew. We Christians are “adopted” chosen sons. We should not get too full of ourselves.
It isn’t about being full of ones self. No man comes to the father but through the son. If the Jews reject Christ they do not get a loophole. They are just like everyone else when it comes to being saved. Christ opened the door for all mankind, but you have to walk through the door.
If we're adopted sons, then we are "God's chosen" as well. We weren't adopted by our choice, but by his.
And there is one olive tree, in which both the believing Jews and the believing, grafted-in, Gentiles have membership. The church isn't "God's Plan B" or some sort of afterthought; God only has one plan and one people.
I agree.
I think where most supersessionalists get confused is they believe dispensationalists are claiming that Jews have a path to salvation that does not include faith in Jesus Christ. I think they get there because of the Tribulation.