It is Protestants who tell us we must "rightly divide Scripture" but when Catholics go further apply the advanced calculus of reason to further reveal the infinite detail of God's perfection we are told we go too far.
The problem is not what rubric we do or do not use, it is that so few of us go far enough to complete the circle and return to the simple truth of the Gospels and the Two Greatest Commandments.
If we love God with all of our hearts, minds and souls and love one another as He has loved us Faith, Grace and Works will abound and His kingdom will be on earth as it is in heaven.
May the peace of Christ be upon you.
Addition and multiplication are not dividing. Advanced calculus based upon such fundamentally erroneous assumptions will itself be erroneous.
Your parting wish contains a lovely sentiment, and may you too experience the peace of God in your life, but the phrasology used sounded too uncomfortably like the Muslim "peace be upon him" for my taste.