Her message of April 9, 2012 states: “The Era of Peace I spoke about in Fatima has been forgotten. This Era of Peace will take place AFTER the Second Coming of My Son and will last 1,000 years.”
I know the prophetic evidence better than most pertaining to the great era of peace, I believe 100% this “prophecy” of April 9 is simply UNTRUE, and that the era of peace occurs before the Antichrist’s reign and therefore BEFORE the Second coming.
For my own reasons, I do not care to defend my position on this unless provoked. So believe whatever.
The prophecies unmistakably speak of a Pope chosen by God. He is the “successor” of the Pope that flees Rome. He is the one charged with feeding the sheep(petrus romanus). If a false visionary plants the seeds of doubts against him and even contribute to some of his persecution, they will have to explain themselves to God, not to me.
As for the false Pope, mentioned in prophecy:
He is a Muslim.
(I believe he arrives after the Good Pope and after the great era of peace.)
Saint Hildegard revealed that he is Muslim.
According to the “Vatican Insider” St. Hildegard will be made a doctor of the Church this October by the Pope.
The La Salette prophecy of Antichrist having military victories at the age of 12 was first spoken to St. Hildegard.
St. Hildegard’s prophecy of that FALSE Pope: “one of the remaining Mohammadans will be converted, become a priest bishop and cardinal, and when the new pope is elected this cardinal will kill the pope before he is crowned, through jealousy, wishing to be pope himself; then when the other cardinals elect the next pope, this cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-pope, and two-thirds of the Christians will go with him.”
“Her message of April 9, 2012 states: The Era of Peace I spoke about in Fatima has been forgotten. This Era of Peace will take place AFTER the Second Coming of My Son and will last 1,000 years.
I know the prophetic evidence better than most pertaining to the great era of peace, I believe 100% this prophecy of April 9 is simply UNTRUE, and that the era of peace occurs BEFORE the Antichrists reign and therefore BEFORE the Second coming.
For my own reasons, I do not care to defend my position on this unless provoked. So believe whatever.”
~ ~ ~
I’ll say it again, I do no know yet if Maria of Divine Mercy
is true or not but some of things stated in this message
are true. They line up with other prophecy and Scripture.
My emphasis, my “position” is pro-private revelation, both
the approved and yet to be approved. I believe Heaven
speaks to us every day through the prophetic. Read and believe the messages if you wish. They are a help and in the list, after the Apostles, comes the prophets.
I disagree with you on the time of the Era of Peace, this is
the millenial spiritual reign of Christ AFTER the anti-Christ and the Great Tribulation and to follow, the Chastisement. The Era of Peace is the 7th Day.
When Our Lord speaks of the second coming in Maria’s messages, He is referring to His middle coming which is
spiritual too. The “second coming” is not the Final Judgement when Our Lord will come in His person.
The heresy of millenarinism is the belief, Jesus is returning physically to reign on the earth again.
take care,
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God indeed hath set some in the church; first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly doctors; after that miracles; then the graces of healing, helps, governments, kinds of tongues, interpretations of speeches.