Welcome home!
I also used to be a Catholic bashing Protestant, but found I could only be fed with the “real food” of the Eucharist.
I would ask the "Bible Only" Christians to explain what the Epiousios, the fourth petition in the Lord's Prayer is, if not the Eucharist.
I was a once a week Catholic until 2007 when it suddenly occured to me one day in February: if I TRULY believed that the Holy Eucharist IS God, the REAL Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, I would WANT to receive the Holy Eucharist EVERY, SINGLE, SOLITARY DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. Wouldn't I?
Well, I go to Mass and Holy Communion every day now becaue I DO believe it.
Whooda thunk it would take me so long (I'm old.) to come to that conclusion?
Say what they will, Protestants, good people most of them, do not have Jesus' GIFT to us from His Last Supper.
I always wondered what part of "Do this in memory of Me" they don't get in Holy Scripture. It's right there in black and white: DO THIS....
I understood that way back when I was 7 years old. It's not complicated, miraculous, yes, complicated, no.
What a TREMENDOUS gift Jesus left for us. The grace that comes from that gift of His Body and Blood can save me. I hope I always say "yes" to Him.