"Things might have turned out differently if the Court had been more restrained."
Oh, yes, Justice Ginsberg, "things might have turned out differently."
Millions of souls, endowed by their Creator with life, and placed within little bodies individually designed by Him, would have been allowed their rights to that life, and the liberty to pursue happiness, according to their inherent and individual gifts and talents.
"The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them." - Thomas Jefferson
Perhaps some of those millions, had they been allowed their Creator-endowed rights, might have led America well into the 21st Century as a free Republic, based on the Founders' ideas of liberty.
Others might have written great symphonies, discovered cures for the ills of others, or taught the ideas that would help to bring freedom and opportunity to oppressed people all over the world, or served on our Supreme Court and interpreted the Constitution in accordance with its original protections for "the People's" liberty.
But, then, we will never know, will we?
That tells us everything we need to know about this Supreme Court justice.