Which Church? The Orthodox? The Roman Catholic Church? I find Catholics tend to play rather loosely with this “authority” model. And I’m sure we would both agree that just because the President and a Democratic Congress was in absolute power two years ago, that doesn’t make Obamacare good policy.
The only real authority is scripture because it is the only thing without error.
—Which Church? The Orthodox? The Roman Catholic Church? —
One Church has as an unbroken line of successors to St. Peter. The other Church hasn’t called a Council since the Schism.
Nevertheless, before I completely alienate our Orthodox brethren, there is very little difference in Catholic/Orthodox teaching. Catholics recognize the validity of Orthodox sacraments. In fact, Catholics can meet their Sunday obligation by attending Mass at an Orthodox church, subject to the Orthodox priest’s permission.
Luther’s doctrine of Solar Scriptural has not resulted in Christian unity, but more importantly, his doctrine isn’t Scriptural.