Makes more sense to think that the Emperor was Nero/and other emperor at the end of the century. From your perspective, the Revelation of John was an effort to forecast the end of the world, but the many apocalypes of the time, were veiled commentaries on the present as well as a depiction of future events. As for the rest, it reminds us of the bile that produced the religious wars that turned reasonable men against both Protestantism and Catholic .Why happens when dialectic reaches the point where men can only scream and hurl insults at one another. Like this stuff.
Reminds me of our current political dialogue, where the only object is to make the other guy look bad.
Perhaps now you have a better understanding of how Proddys feel in the face of the Ashteroth-Mary-Goddess caricature posts from the RC side.
The RC’s routinely puke on God’s priorities and standards about idolatry and blasphemy.
Yet Proddys are expected to take it . . . lying down.