The modern Protestant’s stance on the New Testament canon vis-a-vis their stance on the “Apocrypha” is slightly hypocritical.
In my small experience of working with my parish RCIA team, I have come to see that very few people, Protestant or Catholics, have much knowledge about the formation of the Biblical canon, if they have thought of this issue at all.
The deeper you get into the history, the more you realize the vulnerabilities and contingencies of translation, canonization and interpretation, and the need for God's protection every step of the way through the tens of centuries of the human transmission of things divine.
It makes me love the Catholic Church all the more. It also inclines me to be gentle in dealing with non-Catholic Christians. I am loath to call anyone a "hypocrite" when I realize how many of my own mistakes are made through my own ignorance.
More nonsense...Polycarp never referenced anything in your mythical apocrypha...
Certainly. They believe that the NT is canon because the Church declared it and that the OT is contains 'Apocrypha' in spite of what the Church declared.
Their confusion on doctrines come about in part because of their confusion on what constitutes Revelation and teaching authority.