Sandy, that little insult toward the RM and JIm RObinson smacks of desperation to be made ‘the vicitm’. You are an insulting, snarky deceiver and I am surprised that your sneaky insults are still tolerated at FR. But, your continued representation of what it means to be a Mormon does help to expose the deceit at the heart of your religion. Sad that you are unable to perceive that fact about your own behavior, but there it is.
There is a very practical reason the ‘victim complex’ is so prevalent in Mormonism. Joseph Smith realized that ‘persecution’ was a unifying force and would keep people from leaving. People feel sorry for those percieved to be ‘victims’ and it keeps many people at bay.
Young understood this very clearly, and the ‘us vs them’ mentality really took off under him. It was a way of ensuring his role as prophet during his coup (and it was a coup). It also kept people in line and helped with the cohesion needed for the trek west (the separation and isolation also encouraged loyalty to Young along with the increase of persecution myths).
In short, Mormons are so inundated with this victim mentality that it is hard for them to see that is really is just another measure of control by the LDS leadership.