I guess I should avoid these religious threads...
Adam and Eve fell. (Not much of a "hurrah" there, eh?)
By parallel, the Catholic church badly disgraced (history of pre-16th century popes; selling of indulgences; etc....not much of a "hurrah" there, either, eh?)
...the only real church is the Catholic Church...
Before there was the "Roman Catholic" church (capital "C"), it inherited the church from the "catholic" church (small "c"). All "catholic" means is "universal." The "genuine article" wasn't the "Roman Catholic" church; yet God saw fit to put up with the foibles of that church...It was "the church of the dark ages," after all...which has both a positive and negative connotation.
It's "positive" in that despite it being a trying time with the advancement of Islam, the church rose up to defeat it. Lack of light...the knowledge of our Lord...was prevalent in that dark time...and yet the church still "survived." And monasteries -- especially those developed by St. Patrick and those enclaves he helped to jumpstart...helped to preserve much of what we have in church history, etc.
It's "negative" for some of the same exact reasons: In a time when the church was under tremendous attack, monasteries were great preservations/sanctuaries of light...and when that attack began to relent, an over-abundance of remnant & newly created monasteries meant for a grand retreat from missionary and public ministry.
Hence, the church of the "dark ages" doesn't have much to promote pride-wise. (Their candle wattage wasn't exactly overwhelming in cultural impact)