Since it was Einstein who said the solar system movements could be thought of either way and the math still works, I am fine waiting as long as it takes for this to be resolved - even if that means God himself revealing all knowledge in Heaven.
You, once again, are the pompous one, acting as if any science is at 100% resolution on this point while stating otherwise whenever it fits your current argument(s).
Einstein was not a Geocentrist. Do you suppose you have a superior understanding of the ramifications of relativity than Einstein?
There is not a 100% resolution on any scientific issue and never will be - how pompous and presumptuous of you to assume I was saying there was such resolution.
But Geocentrism is just not possible given what we know about gravity - there is no model consistent with gravity that would make it work.
Creationists take note - once you start denying evidence in preference to what you would rather believe theologically - the logical end result is Geocentrism!