Do what, read the Book of Acts with your sectarian bias as the start?
There’s ample extra-scriptural evidence for the Catholic-Orthodox perspective.
I’m not telling anyone to disprove a negative. The Book of Acts only tells part of the story.
Or for monasteries and cults like the Legion of Christ (part of the sexual abuse scandal ongoing)?
the proof of what ALL the Apostles taught was the Catholic Church they left behind.
whether you went to Turkey, Egypt, Rome, Jerusalem, Greece, India, Northern Africa, the same Faith was found.
reading the Church Fathers from beginning to end and you won’t find a Church that resembles anything close to what Protestants believe.
and you know what else you won’t find anywhere in the NT?
you won’t find anyone reading the Scriptures and based on their own private interpretation, attacking the Church and starting their own “church”.
This is what we would call the fox watching the hen house.. see how it goes.. the 'church " decides all truth..people are bound to that truth.. and one of the things THEY get to determine is what the Bible says...
Most cults use the same pattern... Truth?? What we say is TRUTH do not read the bible unless we tell you what it means...