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To: metmom; D-fendr
"The only *wildly divergent* interpretations occur between Catholicism and Protestantism, not within Protestantism. "

Another great joke!! These outright detours around the Trugh and attempts at diversion just aren't working for ya'll. People realize that for all the talking about Scripture the "Sola Yourselfa" crowd does, 90% or more of their arguments start with something taken out of context or a statement equivllent to, "that's what it says, but that's not what it means".

The falsehood of "essential and nonessential doctrine" which is found nowhere in Scripture was whipped up in hopes of papering over the thousands of differences between the various Protestant and Protestant derived groups. If there are no wildly divergent interpretations no such false doctrine would have ever been dreamed up.

None of the current crop of Fundamentalists is going to feel very comfortable in a Southern Baptist Church for long due to the differences in their doctrines and the Southern Baptists and Fundamentalists are much closer together than many other groups are. No sincere Southern Baptist is going to sit through many Presbyterian sermons nor would they offend Christ by entering an Episcopalian church where a queer is the ordained pastor. So sure, pretend these things aren't differences in doctrine if you like but no one is buying it. Everyone knows better and everyone knows that there aren't tens of thousands of different denominations and nondenominations just because they each like different sorts of tablecloths and silverware at their Church picnics.

It's just like Bologna about there being no priesthood and denying that even though God the Father Himself punished Core for the heresy of, "the priesthood of all believers" it's no longer an issue. Pretend all you like, but it's just not so and anyone who doesn't throw out portions of their Bible and ignore other portions knows better. That's why there's the need to have a separate instruction on how to deal with accusations against a priest, they're a separate and identifiable group. It's also why you're told to obey the prelates over us, something not possible if each and every individual interpreter of Scripture is supposed to be their own priest and the ultimate authority for themselves in all matters of faith and morals.

Or, to avoid obeying Scripture, do some folks just throw Scripture they don't like rather than twisting and distorting the clear meaning of The Word the way they twist direct quotes of what Christ Himself said? Claiming to believe in Scripture only after throwing out portions of the Bible that were accepted as Scripture by Christ, the Apostles, and the Berans so many claim to admire isn't even a clever ploy, it's another example of how those who pursue heresy always trip themselves up with their own doctrine. It's always clear that the doctrine they claim to uphold is something to disguise the heresy they're indulging in. Mo did it when he started Iz Lame by admitting that Satan guided him, the Mormons do it by claiming to believe the Bible but accept a prophet after John the Baptist, and the "Sola Yourselfa" crowd give themselves away by first throwing out portions of the Bible and only then claim to believe in Scripture alone.

2,977 posted on 12/06/2011 4:36:11 PM PST by Rashputin (Obama stark, raving, mad, and even his security people know it.)
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To: Rashputin
Or, to avoid obeying Scripture, do some folks just throw Scripture they don't like rather than twisting and distorting the clear meaning of The Word the way they twist direct quotes of what Christ Himself said? Claiming to believe in Scripture only after throwing out portions of the Bible that were accepted as Scripture by Christ, the Apostles, and the Berans so many claim to admire isn't even a clever ploy, it's another example of how those who pursue heresy always trip themselves up with their own doctrine. It's always clear that the doctrine they claim to uphold is something to disguise the heresy they're indulging in. Mo did it when he started Iz Lame by admitting that Satan guided him, the Mormons do it by claiming to believe the Bible but accept a prophet after John the Baptist, and the "Sola Yourselfa" crowd give themselves away by first throwing out portions of the Bible and only then claim to believe in Scripture alone.

Excellent summary. I must thank you for the information on Core, by the way. I had forgotten all that.

2,980 posted on 12/06/2011 4:59:05 PM PST by MarkBsnr (I would not believe in the Gospel, if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so.)
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