Or 3: They hate everything the Church stands for
a)life begins at conception
b)abortion is a mortal sin
c)Same sex marriage is an abomination
d)Women cannot be priests
e)fetal stem cell research is as bad as abortion
and want to tear it down.
a)life begins at conception b)abortion is a mortal sin c)Same sex marriage is an abomination d)Women cannot be priests e)fetal stem cell research is as bad as abortion
and want to tear it down.
When you want what you want when you want it, and they perceive that the Church stands in the way of instant gratification, what do you suppose is the direction that they take?
It’s not a stretch from denying the real presence in the Eucharist to denying that the Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Protestant assumptions about grace are dead set behind gay theology and the silly idea that eating shrimp is on par with homosexual sex.
Evangelicals are all over the map on matters of both faith and morals, and base their positions on the Bible alone. Apostate Catholics, however, are just ignorant.