rogator: In a manner of speaking it is correct.
Catholics look on diocesan bishops (Catholic and Orthodox) as the successors of the apostles who founded the particular church of their locale. In this manner a person could be a member of the Church of Corinth, Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Tucson or Pittsburgh.
Those of us who prefer Roman Catholic (actually Latin Catholic) are emphasizing our connection with the Roman Pontiff rather than the (e.g.) Maronite or the Melkite Patriarch.
Emphasizing the connection with the particular church rather than the Roman Church is IME common among very liberal Catholics and liberal bishops, many of whom actually see Roman Catholic as a derogatory term.
Not to mention the different flavors of Catholicism such as.......
Roman Catholic sects
There are many groups outside the Roman Catholic Church which are regarded as Catholic sects, such as the Community of the Lady of All Nations, the Palmarian Catholic Church, the Philippine Independent Church, the Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church, the Free Catholic Church, the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, and others.
The Sodalitium Christianae Vitae started in Lima, Peru, has multiple cases of psychological abuses experienced by youth that were attracted to the movement.[16]
There is also Russian orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Ukrainian Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Coptic (Egyptian) to name a few more.
They most certainly do not adhere to the doctrinal position established by Rome on a number of fronts which many FRoman Catholics consider critical to Catholic faith.
These aren’t sects. The Eastern Catholic Churches are local CHURCHES that differ from the Roman Church in terms of ritual, language, and theological emphases.
But they unlike the the Protestants are UNITED in dogma and faith.
The Orthodox are in schism with the Catholic Church, as are these Old Catholic sects that have more clergy than laity.
But they have more in common with the Catholic Church than Protestants have among themselves.
If you get 10 different Protestants in the same, room you likely will see 10 different faiths represented.
There are more differences between Baptists and Lutherans than there are between Catholics and Orthodox Christians.
I find as a Catholic who attends Orthodox Churches on occasion that I agree with Orthodox priests far more often than I disagree with them.
Only about 2-5 percent separates Catholics and Orthodox, compared with the 50-90 percent that separates Catholics and Protestants.