Posted on 11/23/2011 11:11:08 AM PST by marshmallow
A notoriously 'gay-friendly' parish in San Francisco has invited an openly homosexual Episcopalian cleric to lead an Advent Vespers service.
Most Holy Redeemer parish asked Bishop Otis Charles, a retired Episcopalian prelate, to lead the November 30 service. After serving as the Bishop of Utah from 1971 to 1993, he publicly announced that he is homosexual. Divorced from the mother of his 5 children, he solemnized a same-sex union in 2004.
The Jews certainly do believe in the same God as real Christians do . They just do not accept Yeshua as the Messiah.
He blinded their eyes because they had the time he was to show up to them given to them by the angel Gabriel right down to the very day that he rode into Jerusalem riding the donkey and yet they were not watching for him . They were not watching for him because they wanted the King of the second coming (Messiah ben David) , not the suffering servant (Messiah ben Yoseph) that the prophecies said would come first . He came in the flesh and they did not recognize him because they were looking for someone else .
They even sent representatives to ask John the Baptist if he was Elijah and John told them no so with that they decided that he was not the one they were looking for . Elijah is one of the two witnesses before the second coming . They will NOT be blind for ever.
There is only ONE Creator and it isn’t the allah of the muslims
>>>>>You trust in baptism and Catholicism to save you.
>>>>>Ill keep trusting Jesus.
That post is another dead giveaway that you were never Catholic as you claim.
No Catholic uses that terminology “ save you”
All Catholics know that Christ is the only Savior.
You give your falsehoods away with almost every post.
The tares among the wheat don’t believe he is coming back
Messianic “Jews” aren’t Jewish.
What are they Irish then ?
i agree with you, replacement theology is a heresy. there are those that came along in the 19th century and replaced the true Israel of God, all those who are heirs to the promise to Abraham by faith in Christ, that is the Church with physical Jews, that is those that are Jews outwardly but not inwardly. replacement theology seeks to change Israel from one comprised of faith to one comprised of a certain DNA. this is heresy indeed!!
Discuss the issues all you want, but do not make it personal.
YOu have missed the point .
He has only blinded Israel until the fullness of the gentiles come in . They have unconditional promises . The real church, body of Christ will be the bride but Israel is already MARRIED to God . The Bride and Israel are NOT the same even though there are many with Hebrew blood (DNA as you want to call it ) that are in the Body of Christ .
The church does NOT = Israel .
you just outlined the “replacement” theology that is a heresy. the kingdom was taken from physical Israel and given to a nation that will bear fruit. Paul tells us this nation are those ( Jew and Gentile ) that are heirs to the promise made to Abraham by faith in Christ. read Romans to see who the true Israel is, and stop believing this 19th century replacement theology heresy.
Oh dear, is a Protestant apologist preaching 'works' now? You must do before you are saved? My, my. May I ask for further explanation?
After all these years and you need to ask me this question? When a person comes to saving faith in Jesus Christ, it is with a repentant heart that surrenders to the grace and mercy of Almighty God. It is receiving the gift of eternal life he offers to all paid for in full by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is an intellect/emotional "bowing" of the knee to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ as LORD, God incarnate. So, no, this is not speaking about "works" for salvation one must do before OR even after salvation. The "works" of God, Jesus said, was to believe in him. Afterward, we walk in newness of life, the new nature, the spirit man, living by faith and doing the works God has prepared for us to do - that he created us to do - by the Spirit but which do not and cannot of themselves save anyone. In fact, these "works" are impossible to do for anyone not already born again.
Yet, you claim membership in the Roman Catholic Church, which, by definition, means you are part of the Church, the one that claims it is the One, True Church established by Jesus Christ at Pentecost. We've seen such stated numerous times here. The question had to do with saying, "We do not declare that we are the Church". So either you are the Church, or you are not the Church, which is it? Nobody ever said one single person is "a" church, but that each saved person makes up the church.
I have confidence in God. It is the riff raff of the Reformation and their empty promises that I have no confidence in.
Yet, your very own comments repeatedly state you have no confidence that God WILL keep his promises. It wasn't the "Reformation" that made any of those promises. They come straight from the very Word of God, Holy Scripture, God-breathed, Divinely-inspired Holy Scripture. God assures us of his great and precious promises and only those who feel they must beg and plead for his mercy every day of their lives - after they have already received Christ as Savior and believed on him - are the ones who disprove whatever confidence they say they have.
Matthew 22:37 "You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind, (and) you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
If you do not do as Jesus commands, you are denied salvation.
That is your added interpretation, because that is NOT what Jesus said, is it? The people asked him what the greatest commandments were and he answered them. If you think Jesus demanded complete obedience to all the commandments to be saved, then NONE will be saved. We ALL have sinned, and offending even one part of the law, makes us guilty of the entire law. Without the grace of God we would all be without hope. We cannot save ourselves no matter how many laws we may keep.
Matthew 7: 21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."
Ah, there we have it. Evil doers will be rejected by God at their Judgement. Those who do as Jesus commands will be accepted by God at their Judgement.
I welcome a change in a heart that may formerly have been as stony as a Biblical execution. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Again, with the adding to the words of God. Here's a hint, WE ARE ALL EVILDOERS, WE HAVE ALL SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. Whoever does not believe on Jesus Christ will not be saved. Whoever obeys Jesus by receiving him and believing in him, will not be condemned. We are no longer under judgment and condemnation because we have been declared righteous in Christ. We are, I am "found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christthe righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith." (Philippians 3:9)
So, before you start a rumor that I am in RCIA classes, let me assure you, I have not had a "change of heart". That already happened over forty years ago, and has only grown stronger every day. And that's a GOOD thing.
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