Biologists have studied the question and I’ve read that the human body is keyed to literally last forever, only that something seems to have been added to our genetics so that with each successive generations of cells defects occur and vitality decreases. They speak of things call telomeres and other genetic structures that appear to shorten life spans of cells with each regenerative cycle; ongoing disease and immune assaults continue the damage. We could biologically live forever, but a clock seems to have been built in that keeps us from doing so. Human genetics have degraded since the fall. Modern medicine can preserve life some extent, better diets may help, but nothing stops what goes on in our genetics.
The Bible also says that “Thru man came death, thru man came also the Resurrection of the dead.” It suggests that our fore-parents’ actions, sin, and loss of direct contact with God created within themselves the destruction wrought by our telomeric”clocks” and the effects of these clocks got worse with ever shortening lifespans until we got down to the “ 3 score and 10 years or 4 score by strength” that was common in King David’s time and still hasn’t changed much....depending on diet, exercise and living conditions.
Agreed, then it would follow, would it not, that the answer to my original question would be that Adam and Eve would never have aged and died nor their offspring?