“”The only way to remove an unqualified moronic stooge of a Monarch is through violent revolution.””
You actually have it backwards
Here is some chilling things that happened when Monarchies were overthrown
Here is a good understanding of Monarchies and Republic
The idea of “We the People” is pretty close to being the undoing of this country right now. The 20 something generation of “We The People” will be completely finish the job off in time because of our liberal educational system and breakdown of the family through Hollywood filth,materialism,consumerism, pornography etc... This has all happened under the noses of the 40 to 50 something generation that worshiped the almighty dollar and made children think this materialistic system was utopia that would keep going.
We played right into the hands of the Marxist
Only Prayer and fasting can help us Now
Democracies usually only last for 200 years. Our republic is becoming like late Athens.