Bruskewitz not putting up with the mickeymouse requirements that the USCCB tries to impose is no crime. He's also on record as telling parents in his diocese to report molesting priests to the police immediately, but you don't mention that.
The Finn case is ongoing. I'm not convinced that he's guilty of anything.
Bevilacqua is not only retired for close to 15 years, he suffers from cancer and Alzheimers. What do you recommend we do with an old, sick man like that?
Mahony's also retired. Neither the fishwrap nor the LA Press had anything bad to say about him when he was in power.
Not impressed with their list.
If only we would let football coaches marry, this kind of tragedy could have been avoided, right? How many heads truly have “rolled” at Penn State? What about the many, many other public schools where abuse is known and tolerated?