Matthew 37AD written by Matthew, called Levi, son of Alphaeus and brother of James
Mark 57-63AD written by John Mark
Luke 58-63AD written by Luke
John 90AD written by John
Acts - 63AD written by Luke, the beloved physician
Romans 58-60AD the 6th of Pauls letters written in Crinth and sent to Rome by Phebe
1 Corinthians 59AD written by Paul at Ephesus
2 Corinthians 60AD written by Paul
Galatians 69AD written by Paul
Ephesians 64AD written by Paul
Philippians 64AD written by Paul
Colossians 64AD written by Paul
1 Thessalonians 54AD written by Paul
2 Thessalonians 54-55AD written by Paul
1Timothy 67AD written by Paul
2 Timothy 68AD written by Paul
Titus 67AD written by Paul
Philemon 64AD written by Paul
Hebrews 68AD written by Paul
James 45AD written by James the brother of Jesus
1Peter 60AD written by Peter
2 Peter 61-65AD written by Peter
1-3 John 90AD written by John the Apostle
Jude 66AD written by Jude
Revelation 96AD written by John the Apostle
Now, when was it again the RCC thinks they wrote the Bible?
You may wish to check a bunch of your dates, but the Roman Catholic Church never claimed Biblical authorship to itself.