The queen of heaven worshiped in Ephesus was Diana. The temple built there to her was purported to be magnificent. Adopting the queen of heaven mantra sure appealed to those who had been worshiping her didnt it. Of course the merchants mentioned in Acts 19 could simply keep making their trinkets to the queen of heaven and not lose their livelihood. Can you say mixing pagan with Christian.
There is no point arguing. The truth is not determined on these threads, it has existed from before the beginning of time. It cannot be declared by any church or absence of church. It is not determined by rules of evidence, convincing rhetoric, lame excuses, gotcha questions, ping-list dog-piles, precedent, moderators or errors in argument by Catholics. It is not contrived by false assertions, nor logical fallacies. It simply is and is immutable.
Any idiot can make up a lie and challenge you to prove the negative. The only way you lose an argument like this is to validate it by responding. That is why the Church established anathema. Not to deal with the evil, but to protect the saints from the occasion of sin.
I would repeat myself, but as it was ignored the first time, I won’t.
God is the Alpha and the Omega, there is nothing that existed before Him and nothing which He did not will into existence.
Before Jesus, all who were not Jewish were not of the “chosen people” of God and He had not revealed Himself to them.
After Jesus, all men/women are children of God and heirs with Jesus to the eternal kingdom, for all may see the glory of God.
Those outside the Jewish faith, who did not KNOW God, but desired Him are now brought into the household of God and the gods and goddesses that were worshiped have been shown to be false. The One True God revealed to us in Jesus has claimed all things for Himself.