Hey, if he believes he needs to work to earn his salvation why would I want to argue with him?
Shall we look at some of your comments?
Youd better stick with the dispy caucus, where that lame junk belongs.
Oh, right, that rightly dividing junk. Meaning, interpret it my way or else.
I don't believe you have the ability to repent to Christ.
That would be a great illustration of a fake Christian.
When there's a protestant dogpile, it's hard to keep track of who you want to bite and who you can't stand the taste of.
This is another of smvoices stupid infantile games.
Are you nuts?
Not that I particularly care how stupid the opposition makes itself look You may not have recently fallen off a turnip truck, but there appear to be hay seeds in your hair. Are those your version of lovely Christian comments? Should we take notes? Those were only taken from this thread!
So what?
You can’t say you didn’t try.......