Wait a minute..Mad, RCC teaches that The Holy Spirit is the husband of Mary. Mary is the Mother of God, and Mary is Queen of the Universe.
No matter how you try to "properly explain" Mary as perfectly sinless, Mary as the wife of the Holy Spirit, Mary as the Mother of God and Universal Queen, it's just not gonna hunt.
This is not a "proper" understanding of ANYTHING Scriptural.
What kind of ancient "heretics" denied these doctrines? I'm sure the RCC has a list of them. Those who would not wear the ribbon of the RCC were by default, followers of Paul. As he followed Christ. As a pattern to those who would hereafter believe on Jesus Christ to life everlasting.
Mother of God I have explainedas best I can. Spouse of the Spirit is a kind of figurative honorific, on account of Jesus was conceived with her by the "operation" of the holy Spirit. When chaste women conceive young 'uns, it's with their spouses, therefore ..... Queen of....[just about anything you can think of] is also an honorific. The closest example for a lot of us the late "Queen Mother". As Dowager of a king and mother of a Sovereign whe was given the"courtesy title" of Queen. it was not hers by birth (or conquest) it was a courtesy. Similarly Bathsheeba was honored in the court of Solomon, because she was his mother. So Mary is Mother of the Lord. That's why I come to call her my Lady or our Lady. We would say it is entirely Scriptural and proper because it follows from what Scripture says of her. I don't think Scripture ever mentions that she had two legs. But we assume it because she was a human female.
A culture familiar with the courtesies of Kings and Queens and with the manner of our Lord's conceiving would think it natural to give her those titles.