If you don't vote for Romney, Rick Perry will win the GOP nomination and Rick Perry will crush Obama.
Our energies should be directed at crushing Obama and not picking fights with conservative voters with a different religious denomination.
Posted on Friday, July 01, 2011 10:13:29 AM by Jim Robinson
We now have conservatives Bachmann and Cain officially in the race fending off RINO Romney; and Palin and Perry could possibly jump in. My hopes are with Palin, but if she decides not to run I could be happy with Bachmann or Cain. Also, if Palin does not run but Perry does, he'd probably suck all the air out of the race. Either way, Palin, Bachmann, Cain or even Perry would all be excellent alternatives to Obama the commie. Anyone but RINO Romney the big government chief architect of CommieCare! Posted on Friday, July 01, 2011 10:13:29 AM by Jim Robinson
Most Mormons, thataway. Towards the Right
Barack Hussein Obama, thataway. Towards the Left.