To: lastchance
Whereever did you get the idea I believed that? I wrote of one verse that if we were to limit it to its literal interpretation would mean just that and no more. I for one certainly believe God is sovereign over all life and we sure as heck can not put a number to what He owns. I believe 1000 was often used to denote perfection and completeness not necessarily to show us how many there were of something.So you're admitting that you believe Genesis 1-11 is mythology?
107 posted on
05/05/2011 3:02:36 PM PDT by
Zionist Conspirator
(Ki-hagoy vehamamlakhah 'asher lo'-ya`avdukh yove'du; vehagoyim charov yecheravu.)
To: Zionist Conspirator
Again I never wrote anything to indicate I believed that. Please define what you mean by myth.
109 posted on
05/05/2011 3:12:39 PM PDT by
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