Sorry that your foray onto the RF should be greeted in such a juvenile fashion.
Those claiming to be Christians should hold themselves to a higher standard of behavior than that. I cant imagine how anyone who would refer to themselves as a Christian would resort to such vulgar tactics. Christians are supposed to be followers of Christ.
Could you imagine Christ making those kind of innuendos about people and their character? No wonder the non-religious consider religious people hypocrites. Sometimes the world has a better handle on what is appropriate behavior for those who name the name of Christ to behave like than those who make the claim.
Notwithstanding, the feigned outrage at your behavior is hilarious.
Oh, sure, but let a Catholic, either a child or an old lady, be offended by innuendo and slur against the Blessed Mother, and they are told, “You are too thin-skinned for the RF open threads, quit whining and go to the ecumenical and caucus threads.”
“Notwithstanding, the feigned outrage at your behavior is hilarious”
What I find hilarious is the insistance that American protestantism and English is THE causa sine qua non of the entire world.
causa sine qua non - Latin archaic
Meaning: indispensable cause or condition IOW The REASON TO BE