I would suggest that our republic is failing not because true liberty is not defined but because we have left our Christian heritage.
Hab 1:4-5 So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted. Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.
“”I would suggest that our republic is failing not because true liberty is not defined but because we have left our Christian heritage.””
Dear brother, the Christian heritage was not DEFINED in the US based upon historical Christianity,it was founded in modernity where public opinion and social agenda was allowed to usurp Christianity with boundless liberty.
This is why we are in a mess today.
Fulton Sheen said it best
“Modern religion affirms just as much spiritual and moral truth as in a given condition will keep society together just so much and no more. It affirms not the whole law of God, but extracts from it, and only those extracts which seem to be the most useful for social purposes...Again, modern religion has approved on aspect of the Divine Law concerning murder, and disapproved another, concerning divorce. The reason it does this is because public opinion believes murder to be destructive of society, but does not believe that divorce can be equally destructive of it in the long run. Religion thus compromises, or strikes and average between what is good and what is bad. It approves Christ only inasmuch as Christ approves it. It accepts His teachings and His authority only inasmuch as its maxims and its opinions approve those teachings.
Hence, the problem confronting the religious man of today is not whether he will obey of disobey law and authority; but which of the two he will obey, namely, the authority of public opinion, or the authority of Christ and tradition.”