Truth isn’t funny to anyone.
Catholic church claims about itself are another matter entirely. First, they have to qualify as truth, and that doesn’t happen just because it was uttered by a Catholic.
“Truth isnt funny to anyone.”
Then why was RnMomof7 laughing?
And this is where it gets weird. er.
Called the sensus fidelium, the supernatural appreciation of the faith. Evidently, the faithful possess an instinctive sensitivity and discrimination in matters of faith. -Christopher O'Donnell, O.Carm., translator's note, Austin Flannery editor, Vatican Council II: The Concilar and Post Conciliar Documents, Study Edition (Northport, NY: Costello Publishing Co., 2986), page 363.
What the faithful hold in common to be the true Catholic faith, they (the faithful) are infallible and cannot err in matters of belief. - Second Vatican Council, "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church," no. 12.