Do you think that a Catholic President would appoint a Protestant SCOTUS? Just an interesting point of conversation, IMO :)
“Do you think that a Catholic President would appoint a Protestant SCOTUS?”
John F. Kennedy appointed Byron White.
And not just the President - the Senate must approve. How many Catholics were put on the bench with a hostile Senate?
Do you think that a Catholic President would appoint a Protestant SCOTUS? Just an interesting point of conversation, IMO :)
It certainly is possible. John Kennedy named Byron White who was Episcopalian and Arthur Goldberg, Jewish. But now? The last number of appointments have all been Catholic or Jewish. I'm sure that the conspiracy theorists here could make some hay on the antiChrist and One World Order cabalists and UFO slavemasters sluicing people into trenches so that they can feed on them, from this obvious Bilderberger plot against Christianity.