Don't matter. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, even though it claims to be a chicken, its still a duck.
Translation: If someone is praying to, bowing before, etc. etc. its worship in any definition of the word worship. That the person doing the genuflecting and bowing then tries to claim they're not worshiping the person they are bowing and genuflecting before doesn't change facts. It just makes them hypocrites on top of being idolators. Plus it just makes them look stupid. (Pretty much on the same level as a socialist denying being a socialist all at the same time they are redistributing the wealth and implementing obamacare).
Because you've been defending these idolatrous and blasphemous practices of the RCC on these various threads is the proof in the pudding. I don't care whether you've met me or not, it don't matter, your actions on these threads is all I need to know and see.
Now if you were to start proclaiming the official teachings of the RCC to be false teachings and unscriptural....then maybe you'd have a point. Until then your 'say so' that Catholics don't worship Mary has pretty much the same amount of truth as Bill "I didn't have sex with that woman" Clinton.
Thank you for your reply. May God bless you and bring you peace.
That's the rub, though - you people don't get to define or demand what others proclaim and believe. That's the great thing about being an American - we can dismiss the admonitions of bitter harpies as so much noise. Have a better day.