You believe creation to have a finite origin. Agree?
If so, there was a moment when the said creation didn’t exist, followed by the period when the creation gets within the realms of existence. Note the transition.
If you claim a creator as the source, then this creator created at a particular moment. What does this imply? It implies that the creator’s existence experienced the following:
1. The portion until the moment of initiation of creation by the creator, in order to maintain the claim that creation had a finite origin.
2. The portion at the moment, and after the act of creation has been performed.
These are clear transitions that the creator will undergo simply by the process of causing a finite creation. In other words, a sharp transition has occurred in the state of the player (from not having done something, to having done it), to allow the change that makes possible the realisation of the act of creation.
Put simply, change requires time, as that is the nature of change in its elements.
The paradox clearly remains unresolved.
Your sentence implies a temporal series ... the 'before the moment of creation' is implied. Until God created Time, there is no such thing as that which you are assuming in order to define that which you don't want to acknowledge. The paradox is sourced in your own circular reasoning.