To: balch3
Kind of hard to get past the fact that speciation has never been observed and so is not established as factual.
And I don’t know why a pastor would want to bend his beliefs merely so they will fit an antiquated proposition which is defied by the fossil record.
30 posted on
01/16/2011 5:40:14 PM PST by
(Rules will never work for radicals (liberals) because they seek chaos. And don't even know it.)
To: reasonisfaith
The fossil record PROVES evolution? All eveos are ultimately saying is thatwe know it all happened but we can’t replicate any of it! Cordially, Bob
44 posted on
01/16/2011 6:28:17 PM PST by
("Only in the darkest places will she feel at home tonight." from Mixed Blessing by Al Stewart)
To: reasonisfaith
Your FReeper page indicates that you’re a Christian. Does it bother you that your Lord is descended from a fictional character?
106 posted on
01/16/2011 8:39:16 PM PST by
Mr. Silverback
(Anyone who says we need illegals to do the jobs Americans won't do has never watched "Dirty Jobs.") is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson