No, that was not your point, HD, you claim it is a "free" choice. But there is no free choice in predestination, period.
The only way for you to make that choice is for God to open up your eyes through faith that He gives you.
You don't make the choice. The choice has bene made for you according to your religion. It's not a choice; it's predestined, predetermined, preprogrammed, like death. Dying is not an option, or a choice; its a certainty.
Of course there is no free choice in predestination. There is no free choice. If you could rationally choose between heaven or hell, then the rational choice would be to go to heaven. God would have to give everyone the ability to rationally make a choice and, if they had that choice, they would choose heaven. Everyone would go to heaven.
You don't make the choice. The choice has bene made for you according to your religion.
Of course you make a choice. It's the choice that you would rationally make once God opens up you eyes and ears.