Ah, so you don't believe in creatio ex nihilo at all. Thanks for clearing that up.
I notice that after allowing the universe to form naturally (without any "interference," as you so quaintly put it), that your "gxd" apparently has felt the need to "interfere" over and over again once things were actually up and running: the "virgin birth," the "resurrection" of your "messiah," the Fatima "sun dance." G-d may have just stood back and watched the universe unfold without any activity on His part, but he's sure been busy lately, hasn't he? And that's not even counting that little magic trick the priests perform every single day.
The fact that young earth creationism has been all but extirpated from the Catholic Church while abortionism and homosexualism are alive and well illustrates just what the Catholic Church is really opposed to.
Why don't you do a little study about what "ab initio temporis" actually means before you make another feeble attempt at guessing what I believe or what the Church teaches.
>>The fact that young earth creationism has been all but extirpated from the Catholic Church while abortionism and homosexualism are alive and well illustrates just what the Catholic Church is really opposed to.
I’m recalling how Father Alberto Cutié was publicly defrocked so quickly just for kissing a woman, in contrast to how the church usually deals with homosexual misconduct.
>>The fact that young earth creationism has been all but extirpated from the Catholic Church while abortionism and homosexualism are alive and well illustrates just what the Catholic Church is really opposed to.
I’m recalling how Father Alberto Cutié was publicly defrocked so quickly just for kissing a woman, in contrast to how the church usually deals with homosexual misconduct.