what kind of a dolt thinks that life developed from non-life,.............................................................................................................................................................You mean like from a hunk of clay. Interesting that bible lore says god created all of the heavens and earth and all of its animals out of nothing just from a nod yet he had to mold some clay together and breath into it to get man. Also, if prior to the “sin” of adam, and death did not exist, why did he make both male and female of all the species? Why would there be a reason to procreate?Talk about suspension of belief!Why would gender even become an issue if there was no death?
What does one have to do with the other? Did you read the part about "Fill the earth" ??
Why would there be a reason to procreate?Talk about suspension of belief!
What does one have to do with the other? Did you read the part about "Fill the earth" ??
Why would gender even become an issue if there was no death?
What does one have to do with the other? Did you read the part about "Fill the earth" ??
You are trying to make a claim based on a faulty assumption.