The problem faced with many Catholics is similar to that with Muslims. They’ve been taught the deception from birth, don’t know anything else, and cannot come to grips with the fact they may be wrong. It’s the worst kind of religion in the world and they are the most difficult to reach with the truth. Jesus was confronted with the same problem in dealing with the Pharisees. It’s a real tragedy how they are led off the cliff by birth. My wife and mother-in-law are former Catholics. They were born-again and left the catholic church. Over 18 years ago for my wife and 15 for my mother-in-law. They have never looked back! The praise His Holy Name, that “name that is above every name,” now instead of giving praises to the Pope.
Have any of you ever met Christians who had converted out of Islam? Many, who had been extremely devout to their former beliefs, claim Jesus appeared to them.
The fact that these particular men were very comfortable in their lives and lost much while risking their lives gives truth to their testimony.