What does inspiration mean? There is only one reference to this Pauline coinage of the word "God-breathed" which can mean any number of things. But, to be "inspired" by something means to be moved or motivated by something, not that it hijacks you and writes with your hand or assures makes sure that you remember things just the way they were.
If it is by the breath of God, working to move men by the Holy Spirit, then the key issue is not how it works but that it does, and should not be unduly restricted. Outside the hijack, in writing Scripture God can give a a holy man discernment on the truth of accounts, and inspire by impressing a spiritual man how and what to write down regarding such.
But there is a caveat which affirms otherwise: "If any one saith, that he will for certain, of an absolute and infallible certainty, have that great gift of perseverance unto the end,-unless he have learned this by special revelation; let him be anathema." Trent.CANON XVI
So, now you favor Church councils over scirpture (Mat 7:12)?
This was in response to your statement, The Church teaches that there is no certainty in faith, just hope. Thus my invocation of what the Roman Catholic teaches is entirely fitting, without my sanctioning her conclusion.
Secondly, the text is Mt. 7:21-23 and as for that versus texts such as 1Jn. 5:13, the former does not state that one cannot know they are saved, nor that one cannot prevent falling, but records that many who did miraculous works will be revealed as having only that as a testimony, versus a faith with works which corresponded to repentance, (Act 26:20) things that accompany salvation, (Heb. 6:9) which a tree is known by. (Lk. 6:44) 1Jn. 5:13 describes that faith, in the light of which one may have assurance, contingent upon continued believing, while 2 Peter 1:5-10 prescribes a growing in grace and virtue which secures one against falling, but with the do (poieō) again indicating a continuous sense.
Well, if no one's interpretation is infallible, then the truth isn't and cannot be known. End of story. I could have told you that from the beginning.
There was no need to, as that is not the real story.
Says who? You?
Well, the context and reason does, which story again was not whether something can be known infallibly, but Rome's assuredly infallible magisterium and its basis.
Such are the typical attempts to discredit the integrity of the Bible
Says the "official truth." Yes, comrade commissar. No criticism allowed. Anything the official truth doesn't approve is "trashing."
Actually that is your attitude, with corrections never acknowledged.
and i would like to expose such allegations of supposed contras as spurious such as i have already done to yours, while many web sites deal with such, as well as the relative few copyist errors in every manuscript of any real import
Self flattery is not very convincing argument, even if ti may make you feel good. And appeal to multitude of "web sites" is likewise not proof of absolute truth either. It's just that zealots write more than ordinary people.
I will let my peers judge. And militant atheists also fit the description you gave , and with easily provoked antagonistic contentious dispositions.
As for personal interpretation, that is an expected reality in every field, and while theology is an extensive one, core truths find almost universal concurrence in Protestantism has a whole
Core truths find acceptance in every human gathering, no matter what the belief.
As does a basic and effectual unity based upon such, while allowing a limited degree of diverse disagreement and discussion.
Boy, did you ever get that right!!! ;o)
If it is by the breath of God, working to move men by the Holy Spirit
So, you don't believe the Holy Spirit is God? Another non-Tirniatrian "Christian?"
the key issue is not how it works but that it does
Who says it works? People who wrote the Bible wrote what they believed. They were moved by their faith. That's no different than anyone else. People write what they believe.
Outside the hijack, in writing Scripture God can give a a holy man discernment on the truth of accounts, and inspire by impressing a spiritual man how and what to write down regarding such
If you say so.
but records that many who did miraculous works will be revealed as having only that as a testimony, versus a faith with works which corresponded to repentance...
So what? This is something you believe and I don't. Why should I believe you?
And militant atheists also fit the description you gave , and with easily provoked antagonistic contentious dispositions.
Militant atheists are zealots just like militant evangelicals. Same fundamentalist mind set, different god.