Their response? "Given its theology, Mormon interest in seeking the spirits of the dead is logical, and spiritistic revelations and contacts occur somewhat frequently within Mormonism. One major Church teaching is that the spirits of the dead can be assisted and even saved in the next. (The Facts on the Mormon Church by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, & Dillon Burroughs 1991/2009 Harvest House Publishers, p. 68)
These authors go on to ask the question, "How did the Mormon Church adopt such beliefs? From the spirits themselves. Consider this progression:
1. From its inception, Mormonism accepted spiritistic revelations from the dead and other spirits.
2. Some of these revelations concerned the importance of contacting the dead in order to assist them spiritually.
3. As a result, contacting the dead became a theological necessity within the Mormon Church. (Same authors, p. 69)
Is that sleaze ball still around?
If he is still raking in the money with his "shows" it proves that the old saying " There's a sucker born every minute" is oh so true.